
providing timely, innovative solutions

Pipelay/Cable lay

Laying pipe on the seafloor can pose a number of challenges, depending on the water depth.

To carry out a successful field operation Input data is processed to determine the generic tension, subsea stresses, and maximum deflection point during installation and operation, using well established analytical models. Other parameters necessary for tensions and subsea stresses processing include Pipe cross-sectional area, weight of pipe in air and submerged, second moment area of steel pipe, by our team of Engineers

Pipelay vessel is integral to the success of the installation. The DB dolphin with adjustable shortened stinger 24M or lengthened to 50M according to the water depth, to support the pipe as it is moved into the water as well as control the curvature of the installation, with the newly installed tensioner of the Barge with the latest Pipelay equipment make it a chose barge for S- lay operations to controlled forward thrust, which is maintained via tensioning rollers keeping the pipe from buckling.

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