DAMAS Planning and Completions Management System ensure that competent and Qualify personnel are saddle with the responsibilities of project execution. They hold all the information required to successfully manage the project through mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, commissioning, readiness for start-up and handover to operations.
It is vital to determine the operating systems and limits of operation, and system handover sequences. This way we create the best possible start for Client. As most hook-up activities run alongside production, giving limited time for short down and start up.
The most effective method to completing the hook-up of a facility is by system approach. Getting the best balance between these competing demands is where our experience and planning come into play. With our GOAL ZERO slogan Safety and Quality of the task in hand is factor into the planning stage and driven through the entire process, to see that safety of personnel and the environment is paramount.
The management system monitor to see that final certification for mechanical completion and commissioning of each stage of hook-up is completed and verified, as-built, proper housekeeping and Project closed out.
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