DAMAS (D' Adnan Mansoor and Son) Oil and Marine Services Limited, was established in 2007 as an affiliate of Adan Mansoor Nig ltd.
DAMAS is a wholly owned Nigerian company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with over 37 years of consolidated experience in Marine and EPCI Project in the Oil & Gas industry, with Certified and Qualified Personnel to providing Quality Services to meet Customer Satisfaction. DAMAS provide Project Management system conforms to ISO 9001:2008 standard with particular emphasis on continual improvement.
We understand and anticipate our clients’ requirements and provide timely, innovative solutions, while maintaining the highest standards of health, safety and environmental responsibility to ensure an incident-free work environment, at all times.
"The Winches, Anchors, Pipelay and deck equipment of DB Dolphin is installed to meet the challenges of pipe laying, cable laying and trenching operations"
"We offer the engineering, procurement, installation and operation of all temporary systems needed for the hook-up operation.
DAMAS Hook-up barges is suitable for topside and commissioning works. Damas barges have suitable cranes with adequate reach for ease of installation activities."
"We have the expertise and equipment to ensure a safe and efficient delivery of service."
"Provision of marine support vessels, AHTS, Cargo barges, Maintenance and Construction vessels for offshore construction and maintenance projects.
Our services are flexible to meet your specific requirements, the versatility of Barge, together with our in-house capabilities, ensures that we are able to develop a solution to address your daily needs"
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